Building a simple character

This week I worked on my main character and I should choose one of my twenty thumbnails I had from week 1. I choose one female character because I think it is a little harder to get the right shapes on the female body and specially draw a beautiful female face. So this thumbnail I chose because I thought it was a challenge.

Thumbnail Sarah
I designed my character with a casual cloth, she is a teenager and fighting chaos in a modern time. I putted kneepads on her since this will show that this character are not afraid to get her hands “dirty”. In the game there is alien invading planet Earth and I trying to think how that would looks like and get the understanding how it would be. I would probably not just run in with my guns and shoot on every alien I see, I would probably try to sneak around and plan my attacks. This is why I designed the hoodie and a mask that covering her face except her eyes, I think gets a bit feeling of that she is sneaking and being cautious. She got two pistols as a main weapon and got knives on her right legs that she can use in melee and also throw in range area. The backpack will represent her inventory, she collect items and craft useful weapons, traps, ect.

I’m very happy with how my drawing of the face turned out.
Character Sarah Face

Character Sarah



Week 2 assignment was about drawing a car and an airplane in a same 2 perspective grid. For me it went okey, the only really hard part was when it came to the wheel on the car. The circles are hard to get right. I found a tutorial video on youtube that I followed on how to make a circle in 2 perspective, this helped me a little but I am not sure I got it right. Also I think it is hard to see which line goes where at the end since it is a lot of lines.

Perspective Assigment
Here also two sketches I did on lecture.


2D Computer Graphics

My first week on the new course 2D Computer Graphics have kicked off and I have made some nice progress.
Learned a lot of new techniques such as how to hold the pencil right when you sketch.
We started off the week with croquis, which is when you draw quick and sketchy drawing of a live model and after a certain time the model changes pose and another croquis is drawn.

This week assignment we have to sketch twenty thumbnails (see my picture) of a character that will be in a game concept.
We were aloud to choose between two game concepts. The first game concept is Clash of Havens and is about Chaos comes to our planet Earth and you should create a character that will represent the protagonist.
The second assignment is Princess Bella and Her Umbrella. This concept is about take Bella from position A to B with her umbrella.
I choose Clash of Havens and here is my results:

Thumnails week 1